
Math Teacher showing student a solution

The Catlin Gabel math program develops students who are joyful and creative problem solvers that approach challenging mathematics with curiosity and perseverance. 

Through independent effort, communication, and collaboration, students investigate and analyze problems flexibly, construct their understanding of mathematical concepts, and develop the skills and strategies to pursue current and future endeavors.

All students must take a year of Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II, either at Catlin Gabel or before they enter high school, and can select from elective courses in calculus and statistics, as well as from honors-level courses. Our honors-level courses maintain a rigorous pace, consistently challenging students to apply their knowledge to new and unfamiliar scenarios. Honors and honors classes effectively prepare students for advanced studies in the sciences and engineering.

For detailed descriptions of our required and elective math courses, please see our Course Catalog.

Please see here for Global Online Academy courses