College Counseling
College Counseling Timeline
College Counseling News for 9th Graders: A late summer communication including an introduction from the college counselors and information about upcoming events is emailed to each rising 9th grader and their family.
Upper School 101: College Counselors greet 9th grade parents, guardians, and students at this event.
Catlin Gabel College Fair: Catlin Gabel hosts up to 30 colleges during the school day. This is a good opportunity for ninth graders to get a sense of the variety of colleges and hear from different kinds of schools.
Group Introduction: College Counselors meet with all ninth graders to introduce themselves and help students consider how to make the most of their high school experience.
College Finances101: College counselors and an enrollment dean from a local college lead a discussion about college costs and financial aid for non-seniors and their families. All Upper School parents, guardians, and students are invited to attend.
College Counseling News for 10th Graders: A summer communication including information about upcoming events is emailed to each rising tenth grader and their family.
Catlin Gabel College Fair: Catlin Gabel hosts up to 30 colleges for a college fair during the school day. This is a good opportunity for 10th graders to get a sense of the variety of colleges and hear from different kinds of schools.
PSAT information meeting and PSAT Exam: All 10th graders at Catlin Gabel take the PSAT on a school day in October. This is purely for practice and offers the chance to take a standardized test in real testing conditions. A few weeks prior to the PSAT exam, sophomores meet for a preview of test day and an overview of standardized testing. PSAT results come out in the weeks following the exam.
Group Meeting: College Counselors meet with all 10th graders to answer questions and advise students as they look toward the future.
10th Grade Parent Evening: College counselors host an informational evening for families with 10th graders, which includes an informal Q&A about the college application process.
College Finances 101: College counselors and an enrollment dean from a local college lead a discussion about college costs and financial aid for non-seniors and their families. All Upper School parents, guardians, and students are invited to attend.
College Counseling News for 11th Graders: A summer communication is emailed to each rising 11th grader and their family. It includes guidance on actions that should be taken during junior year, information about standardized testing, and upcoming events.
Junior Class College Counseling Workshop: The junior class spends a day together each fall on a college campus with the college counselors. They discuss the college search process, applications, standardized testing, visiting colleges, and more.
College Admissions Representative Visits: Typically, over 120 college admission representatives visit Catlin Gabel each year. Each representative meets with interested juniors and seniors and is hosted by one of our college counselors.
MaiaLearning access: Catlin Gabel uses MaiaLearning, a college counseling website, as part of our college counseling program. Juniors and their parents receive initial access to college search features as well as information about college admission representative visits.
PSAT Information Meeting and PSAT Exam: All 11th graders at Catlin Gabel have the opportunity to take the PSAT on a school day in October. This is for practice as well as entrance to the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Competition, and is a good opportunity to take a standardized test in real testing conditions. A few weeks prior to the PSAT exam, a test preparation expert speaks with students about what to expect on the exam. PSAT results come out in a few weeks after test day.
Catlin Gabel College Fair: Catlin Gabel hosts up to 30 colleges for a college fair during the school day. This is a good opportunity for 11th graders to speak with representatives from different colleges.
Junior Parent Potluck: College counselors meet with parents and guardians of juniors and discuss how to support students in the process ahead.
Individual Meetings and Family Meetings: Each student is assigned a college counselor and meets with their counselor during winter of the junior year to build a list of recommended colleges for research and get to know each other. The individual meeting is followed by a meeting with each junior and their parents or guardians. Juniors meet regularly with college counselors as needed.
Student and Parent Questionnaires: Juniors and their parents or guardians fill out separate, extensive questionnaires. These are valuable to college counselors as they counsel students and their families, suggest colleges, and work with each individual’s priorities.
Junior College Night: In January of junior year, Catlin Gabel hosts a panel of college admission deans and directors to set the tone for the next stage of the college search process. All juniors and their parents/guardians are expected to attend.
Standardized Testing: Juniors are advised to take at least one ACT or SAT exam at a local test center before the end of the school year. College counselors will advise individuals on their testing plans and how to navigate the test-optional landscape. Many juniors also take SAT Subject Tests at the end of the junior year. Students may choose to prepare for Advanced Placement exams, which are administered at the school each May.
Junior PODS Meetings: Juniors meet with college counselors in small group classroom settings to move through the college search process. Topics include college list-building and research, essay and resume writing, college finances, communication skills, and finding the right college match.
College Counseling Update Emails: College counselors send regular emails to juniors and their parents/guardians about PODS topics and reminders for what should be happening at each stage of the process.
Case Studies Program and College Fair: Catlin Gabel, Oregon Episcopal School, and Northwest Academy partner for an event in May that brings approximately 40 college admission representatives together with juniors and their parents/guardians for mock admission committees followed by a college fair.
College Finances 101: College counselors and an enrollment dean from a local college lead a discussion about college costs and financial aid for non-seniors and their families. All upper school parents and students are invited to attend.
College Counseling News/Summer To-Do List for 12th Graders: A summer communication is emailed and includes a checklist of summer assignments from the college counselors and an overview of the milestones ahead.
College Essay Course: All rising seniors are invited to participate in an essay writing workshop, at no additional cost, taught by Catlin Gabel English faculty who work closely with the college counseling office.
Appfest: College Counselors lead this required college application workshop offered on two separate dates in August/early September.
Individual Meetings: Seniors meet individually and regularly with college counselors as they complete the application process, revise essays, refine their college lists, make a testing plan, consider admission and wait list offers, and finally make plans for after graduation.
Senior College Counseling Days: Seniors have two weekdays without classes while underclassmen are away on class trips. College counselors and an essay coach are available for individual meetings, and seniors may use the time to visit colleges.
Senior College Night: Seniors and their parents/guardians gather with college counselors to set the tone for the application process.
College Admissions Representative Visits: Approximately 120 college admission representatives visit Catlin Gabel each fall. Each representative meets with interested juniors and seniors and is hosted by one of our college counselors.
Senior PODS meetings: Seniors meet weekly with college counselors as a group to move through the application process. Topics include interviews, details of application logistics and transcripts, finances, choosing a college, and more.
College Counseling Update Emails: College counselors send regular emails to seniors and their parents/guardians regarding PODS topics and reminders about what should be happening at each stage of the process.
Standardized Testing: Seniors have the opportunity to take ACT or SAT exams at a local test center during the fall of the senior year prior to application deadlines.
Catlin Gabel College Fair: Catlin Gabel hosts approximately 30 colleges for a college fair during the school day.
Early application deadlines: Seniors who are applying via an early application plan work toward deadlines in October and November. Teachers, college counselors, and the school registrar compile teacher recommendations, school report letters, and high school transcripts for submission to colleges.
CSS Profile Workshop and Financial Aid Application Night: A financial aid director from a local college presents a workshop for senior families about filling out the FAFSA and CSS Profile forms, followed by an information night about the college financial aid process.
Senior Parent Potluck: Prompted by college counselors, families anticipate the upcoming college decisions their students will make.
Regular application deadlines: Seniors who are applying via Regular application plans work toward deadlines in December, January, and February. Teachers, college counselors, and the school registrar compile teacher recommendations, a school report letter, and high school transcripts for submission to colleges.
Seniors receive decisions from colleges by April 1: College counselors help students consider their offers, compare financial aid offers, and follow up on wait list offers. Enrollment deposits are due to colleges by May 1.